Welcome to Health Hub. – a Community-Centred Prevention Initiative
Covering the local government wards of Datchet, Horton & Wraysbury.
A unique approach to community holistic care. Started in 2023 it brought together local GP Services, wider NHS care, Social Prescribing, Local Authority Adult Services, Housing Services and a range of independent practitioners with local community support.
Wraysbury Hub, 12A High Street, Wraysbury, Tw19 5DB (Click for Google Maps)
Every Tuesday 9.30am to 12.30pm
You will always receive a warm welcome, and we have staff to help you, if you aren’t sure which specific service you need, we welcome browsers, come along and look around. We’re here to help.
See our calendar for upcoming events.

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Our core services are:
Datchet Surgery Practice Pharmacist: You can see Abdullah without an appointment, to get information, have a medication review, book blood tests, to get test results, to get a blood pressure test etc.
NHS Adult Social Care: Janet Hodge is available to assist you with Information about safeguarding, mental health, social work teams, learning disability service, paying for your care and support, support for patients leaving hospital and more.
Health Hub Wellness Walk: Every week a very friendly group meet for a local social walk. Various lengths of walk are available, depending on the weeks participants. Starts at The Hub 10.30am every Tuesday.
*Stressworx Therapist: Ruth specialises in providing practical skills and solutions to understand and manage stress in both personal and professional situations. She empowers her clients of all ages to deal with their stressors as they arise with self help techniques.
General Health Advice: Help and advice on any healthcare issue, Blood Pressure measurement, help you navigate The NHS, understand letters etc If you have a concern, come and speak to us.
Housing Welfare & Benefits: Issues with housing, problems or worries with regards to how to access local authority housing services? Come along and our experts will guide and support you.
*Massage Therapy: Lizzie from Waters Edge Massage a qualified Massage Therapist.
*Grove Osteopathy: Ian our registered Osteopath is on hand with great knowledge and advice.
*RomaTherapies: Rosemary uses Aromatherapy to help with stress and many other conditions.
Musculo Sketetal Practitioner: Within the team we have a Physiotherapist and Osteopath, and NHS Musculoskeletal specialist, if you have aches, pains or other physical concerns, come along and see us.
*Dietition: Do you have concerns or questions about your or someone elses diet, come along and see a dietitian.
Support for Chronic Pain: If you’ve been suffering with chronic pain, we have a support package especially for you, come and speak to us.

Loneliness and Social Isolation: At any time, 10-15% of the population are lonely, if you think you are one of them, come long and speak to us, we’re here to help.
Age UK Berkshire: We’re the leading organisation providing integrated health and wellbeing services for older people across Berkshire. We are a local independent charity and part of the Age UK brand.
Weightloss & Management for adults and children: Worried about your weight? Struggling to maintain a healthy weight, struggling for motivation? Come and see us, we have a support package for you.
Dementia Care: Optalis Dementia Care Advisors Team. Supporting you and your family to live well with dementia at every stage of the journey – We provide this support for and on behalf of RBWM.
Residential Care Home or Additional Help in your home?: We have advisors and service representatives on hand to help you.
Tech-Help: Struggling to do something online? Do you have a mobile phone that never seems to do what it should? Whatever Tech is causing alopecia (Hair Loss!), bring it along, and we’ll help and show you how, for next time!
Repair Cafe: Something not working? Come and see Peter Kavanagh he’s a wizard, and if the spare parts aren’t available, he might just make one as needed! He fixes Electrical items, Clothing, IT kit, Bikes and almost anything else…
Interactive Health Kiosk: How is your health? What impact is your lifestyle having on your life expectancy? If you don’t know you need to come along. Our free service will take a series of specific measurements, ask some questions, and give you a personalised printout.

Not all services will be available every week. Check on Latest_Updates to see what services will be available in the next session.
*All services supplied at The Health Hub are FREE, however some practitioners are privately funded, any advice and support given at The Hub is FREE, but should you opt for any follow-up treatment or advice, outside of The Health Hub, charges may apply.

The Health Hub was made possible by funding from:

Plus a lot of work by Hub Manager Dianne Cranmer and a dedicated group of volunteers.

Health Hubs background info (NHS Providers)