Resource Centre
This page contains links to external organisations, and resource materials from ourselves and other websites, which we believe to be of good quality and that would be useful to our users. They are organised by ‘Advice Area’ this may not be the specific area you were requesting help with, and is not intended as a diagnosis or suggestion, but merely a way to try and make the information easier to navigate. Some resources may be listed under more than one heading. We have no financial benefit from these links, and no control over external organisations, should any link cease to work, please Contact Us, so that we might correct the change, or find another suitable resource.

General Health
An A-Z of conditions, treatments & medical terms.

A Self-Help Workbook for Young People (aged 11-18) Experiencing School Based Anxiety
An excellent workbook from NHS Cumbria Northumbria Tyne & Wear
Oxford Health NHS
How to Manage Anxiety and Fear
Mental Health Foundation

Blood Pressure
PDF To print and fill in for 1 week home BP Monitoring

Chronic Pain
10 Steps Program. The backbone of the support we offer.
Link to Google Drive folder with materials for 10 Step Program
10 Steps Program aimed at those caring for someone with chronic pain
Understanding and managing pain: information for patients
Persistent Pain A guide to self-management
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Optalis – Responding to the challenges faced by those living with dementia

Mind – Explains loneliness, giving practical suggestions for what you can do and where you can go for support
Self help guide to
Loneliness and Isolation
NHS Humber Teaching
15 Things for Young People to do if feeling Lonely
Mental Health Foundation

Social Care
NHS Social Care and Support Guide
If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this website explains your options and where you can get support

A 12 week program – Please contact The Health Hub for access.
Your Simple Guide to Healthy Weight Loss
British Heart Foundation
Simple Exercises to Help Weight Loss
NHS Gloucestershire Hospitals