The Health Hub Team
Diane Cranmer – HH Manager, who set up the whole operation. Dianne has extensive public sector experience, and currently works as a Public Sector Consultant. Dianne as well as running the show also advises on Housing & Benefits.

Kay Ram – Kay retired a few years ago after running a successful business in film distribution. Kay manages the Kiosk, and is a key support worker helping deliver some advice to guide and support clients. Kay is also a member ot the Tech Help team, giving help with anyone struggling with online access, mobile phones etc.

Simon Carter – Simon recently retired from Pharmacy, having owned and run the pharmacies in Wraysbury & Datchet for 27 years. He gives general health advice and support in Chronic Pain, Loneliness, Weightloss, Low Mood…

Ruth Fogg – Ruth specialises in providing practical skills and solutions to understand and manage stress in both personal and professional situations. She has been in business since 2002 and her qualifications include a Diploma and MSc in Counselling Psychology, Teaching, Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique and Stress Management. She wears hearing aids in both ears but is an excellent lipreader! She is an Honorary Fellow of Brunel University and a Fellow of the International Stress Management Association.

If you would like to join us and help, please Contact Us